Apply FGEI Jobs 2023- JobsPKcom
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in FGEI Jobs 2023 Online Apply on this page.
On this page, we provided FGEI Jobs 2023 Online Apply. On June 9, 2023, we receive this New Ad from The Newspapers.
Positions ::
1. Accountants (BPS-14)
2. Assistant Librarians - Male (BPS-09)
3. Assistants (BPS-15)
4. Band Master (BPS-06)
5. Carpenter (BPS-04)
6. Chowkidar (BPS-01)
7. Data Entry Operators (BPS-14)
8. Elementary School Teachers (Male) (BPS-14)
9. Elementry School Teachers - Females (BPS-14)
10. Khakrob (BPS-01)
11. Laboratory Assistants (BPS-07)
12. Laboratory Attendant (BPS-02)
13. Lower Division Clerks LDC (BPS-11)
14. Mali (BPS-01)
15. Naib Qasid (BPS-01)
16. Upper Division Clerks UDC (BPS-13)
Matric to Master Degree