Cheaper internet in PNG - Telikom PNG

 Telikom Papua New Guinea (TELIKOM PNG) has announced new data rates. The data bundle has increased with slight changes in the prices. 

The company announced the following for its network. 

The company says  the  NEW Cheap Data Plans  are for fixed customers! The  Subscribers on telikom network can now  enjoy Cheap Home Data plan  and enjoy even more value than before.

The data rates are applicable to Fixed Broadband ADSL(2+) & Fibre (GPON) Service & Fixed Wirelss Broadband (FWB) customers.  

The company also released the following data rates on its mobile network (Bmobile)

How to to subscribe to Bmobile/Telikom Mobile internet Data bundle

Note: Provided that you are on telikom/Bmobile network do the following using your mobile phone.

  1. Dial 777 on your phone
  2. selection option 1 (Cheap Mobile Data Plan) and hit send.
  3. Choose the data plan of your choice. See screen shot above. 
  4. Select (1) to subscribe. 

See also how to use Telikom Online Self-Care topup

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