Tech & Innovation : PNG Department of ICT releases Draft Digital Government Plan 2023 - 2027

 The PNG Department of Information and Communications Technology just released the Draft Digital Government Plan 2023-2027 for wider consultation

Secretary Matainaho

The draft Plan proposes to operationalize the key Government policy objectives as outlined in the:

  • · ICT Sector Roadmap 2018;
  • · PNG Digital Transformation Policy 2020; and the
  • · Digital Government Act 2022

“The draft Plan is a proposed digital sector plan which ambitiously aspires to fully digitize and automate all government systems and processes while extending the penetration of telecommunication coverage to reach a population coverage of 90 percent by 2027” according to Department Secretary Steven Matainaho

The plan proposes to digitize all the public services and make services:

1. fast, simple, and clear for the people;

2. transparent and efficient by the government;

3. increase government revenue generation through the uptake of SME and foreign direct investments; and

4. grow the digital economy

He further adds;

“The draft Plan recognizes the absence of appropriate ICT policy interventions within the Development Strategic Plan 2030 and therefore positions itself as a strategic delivery plan for the anticipated Medium Term Revenue Strategy 2023 - 2027 and to complement the delivery of the Medium-Term Development Plan 2023 - 2027.

“To achieve this, the draft Plan calls for the establishment of a ‘Digital Sector’ within the Medium-Term Development Plan and consequentially for all siloed ICT projects to be consolidated under the Digital Sector for an effective coordinated whole-of-government delivery.

“Current ICT investments under the 2021 National Budget (Development Budget) is K283 million.

“It is also important to note that in the last 10 years, K780 million has been allocated across the National Statistics Office, the National Identity Project, and the PNG Electoral Commission combined for data collection and biometric identity-related activities.

“The draft Digital Government Plan 2023 - 2027 calls for a coordinated effort in the deployment of ONE biometric or digital technology for all agencies to use for identity service-related purposes including for e-Voting rollout.

“Section 10 and 11 of the Digital Government Act 2022 require me as departmental head of the Department responsible for ICT to formulate a Digital Government Plan and for the Public Service ICT Steering Committee to review the Plan before finalizing it.

The Department has released the draft plan to gauge public view before finalizing the plan for implementation.

“Before submitting the draft Plan to the Public Service ICT Steering Committee for consideration, I now distribute it to all public bodies, stakeholders, and the general public for consultation” Secretary Matainaho stated.


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