Today, 14th July 2022, the Online Papua New Guinea Journal of Education (PNGJE) was launched at the PNG National Research Institute's Conference Centre.
The PNGJE has been in hibernation for over eight years. The last publication was in 2014. Through a directive from the PNG NRI Council to revive the PNGJE, a new Editorial Board for the Journal was formed. With funding support from the Australian DFAT, the activities for the Journal were commenced. In its first meeting in December 2021, the Board appointed a three - member Sub-committee headed by the Editor, Dr. Kilala Devette-Chee, to put the journal online going forward. The Sub-committee was successful in doing that and the journal is now online after five decades of being a paper /hard copy journal.
Aims and Scope
The Papua New Guinea Journal of Education (PNGJE) is a peer reviewed journal that aims to provide a forum for professional and academic audience of policy makers, planners, policy implementers, teachers, educators, practitioners and researchers in Papua New Guinea and abroad.
The main criterion for publication is relevance to Papua New Guinea and papers should bring out the potential applications of their findings. Material on other countries will be published provided the direct relevance to Papua New Guinea is established in the text. Book reviews will also be considered for publication.
The PNGJE publishes high quality original articles. All manuscripts submitted must be original and not published elsewhere and at any time during the PNGJE's review process. All accepted papers will appear online at the discretion of the PNGJE Editorial Board in two publications annually.
Here is the link :