HAVING a fixed asset management system is an important area of financial management and reporting in the PNG's Central government, says Governor Robert Agarobe.
He said assets added value and supported services to any organisation and Central was no exception.
“The introduction of the province fixed asset management system would eradicate asset theft, abuse and misuse within the organisation,” he said.
Speaking at the launch of the web-based system (Fixed Asset Management System) yesterday in Port Moresby, Agarobe said it would capture all assets revealed from the audit of the province.
“Five years ago, the province undertook an audit to identify its strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats,” he said.
He said through the software, the province would have inventory of all assets including the new ones that would be needed to be procured.
The fixed asset management system is a software solution created by the Kumulsoft Ltd to capture the full asset management process of any organisation.
Agarobe said the creation of the software was the Government’s requirement through its finance management procedure and the Finance Management Act.
He said the system could provide proper care and management of the province’s fixed assets based on its intended purposes.
“The province would use the system as an asset security around its users which would be tracked against its users,” he said.
Agarobe said that the provincial asset allocation would be done through the system and once allocated to a user, it became permanent.
“The asset transfer would only be done through proper authorisation,” he said.
Agarobe said the system would be web-based, meaning it would be live inclusive of the four core modules like general assets, fixed assets, fleet and property management.
The National / Tech Pacific
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