Entry of new Mobile Carriers in PNG to cut internet prices: Masiu

 THE entry of two new telecommunications companies in Papua New Guinea (PNG) is likely to bring down internet prices, according to the country's  Information Communications Technology Timothy Masiu.

Masiu said internet prices in the country were not decreasing as expected.

But with Telstra and Digitec-Vodafone entering the PNG market, there should be some changes in the internet prices, he said.

Masiu said the National Information and Communication Technology (Nicta) and the Internet Service Providers (ISP) were working together to make some improvements.

“A lot of people are complaining and I am worried that this (internet price decrease) is not happening quickly,” he said.

“There are factors and issues that needs to be looked at.

“Nicta does its due diligence very cohesively to make sure that no one is being misled and no unnecessary burden is being put on our people especially at this very time.

“With the Digicel acquisition by Telstra coming in, and Digitec-Vodafone coming up, there’s going to be some very important changes in the internet (prices).”

Nicta chief executive officer Kila Gulo-Vui said they had started a public enquiry into the retail internet prices.

“That process will determine the kind of levels of prices for voice, data,” he said.

“There is a discussion paper and we expect the operators and interested parties to make submissions.

“Decisions by Nicta are based on evidence.

“We will make decisions and regulatory interventions based on facts and not on speculations.”

Statement / The National / Tech Pacific

Next : Papua New Guineas gives final consent to Telstra for Digicel PNG ltd acquisition

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