Malaysia has copied many heritage from Indonesia. They are try to claimed many Cultures made from Indonesian ancestor, which inherited from generation to generation. Indonesian Deputy Minister of Education, Windu Nuryanti said to Antara , from 2007-2012, Malaysia has claimed 7 Indonesia's heritage. Here are Indonesia seven traditions claimed by Malaysia.
1. November 2007 : Reog Ponorogo (Traditional Art from east Java Indonesia) Claimed by Malaysia
2. Claimed For Rasa Sayang - sayange. Indonesian Folk Song from Maluku.
3. Batik (Indonesian Pain Art for clothes) Claimed by Malaysia On 2009
4. On August 2009 Malaysia claimed pendet dance from bali and placed it for the tourism promo in truly asia advertising
5. March 2010. Malaysia Claimed Angklung, Indonesian Music Instrument from West Java.
6. Malaysia claimed High Noutricious Rice from Nunukan, Kalimantan (Indonesia) named Adan Kayan. In Malaysia, They change the name become Bario Rice
7. In 2012 Malaysia still steal Indonesian Culture, Tor Tor Dance from North Sumatera Indonesia.
So You can Called Malaysia as A Pirate Country. You wouldn’t believe Malaysia
claimed so many our tradition !! Then I called New7Wonders From Malaysia. Wondering
why they always steal something from Indonesia? Poor Them ...Most Of All, I just want to explain you These are Our Cultures, Indonesian cultures. Source :
1. November 2007 : Reog Ponorogo (Traditional Art from east Java Indonesia) Claimed by Malaysia
2. Claimed For Rasa Sayang - sayange. Indonesian Folk Song from Maluku.
3. Batik (Indonesian Pain Art for clothes) Claimed by Malaysia On 2009
4. On August 2009 Malaysia claimed pendet dance from bali and placed it for the tourism promo in truly asia advertising
5. March 2010. Malaysia Claimed Angklung, Indonesian Music Instrument from West Java.
6. Malaysia claimed High Noutricious Rice from Nunukan, Kalimantan (Indonesia) named Adan Kayan. In Malaysia, They change the name become Bario Rice
7. In 2012 Malaysia still steal Indonesian Culture, Tor Tor Dance from North Sumatera Indonesia.
So You can Called Malaysia as A Pirate Country. You wouldn’t believe Malaysia
claimed so many our tradition !! Then I called New7Wonders From Malaysia. Wondering
why they always steal something from Indonesia? Poor Them ...Most Of All, I just want to explain you These are Our Cultures, Indonesian cultures. Source :